Free Online iCal Sunrise and Sunset Calendar Generator

Today - 11 Mar 2025
Sunrise - 14:27
Sunset - 02:12

Use the form below to generate an iCal-formatted calendar for your location.
Use the 'offset' if you need to schedule an event (or notification) before or after the actual sunrise or sunset time.

NOTE: Before you import the ICS, please check it. It's a lot of hassle to remove multiple years of individual events.

* = Required for accurate results, location defaults to Portland International Airport, Oregon, USA (45.58753, -122.58886)


latitude (decimal i.e. 45.5555)

longitude (decimal - don't forget the minus sign if in the west)

start date (defaults to today)

end date (defaults to five years from today, maximum 5 years)

sunrise offset in minutes (use "+15" or "-15" for example)

sunset offset in minutes (use "+15" or "-15)" for example)

*  important - your timezone

check one or both of the boxes below

Enter Description Here:


This script generates sunrise and sunset times for up to 5 years. It uses PHP's built-in functions for calculations.

PHP handles DST automatically based on the selected time zone. For example, America/Phoenix won't apply DST because Arizona doesn't observe it.